Thursday, April 18, 2013

It's the future pt 2.

John Royal pastors a large community church in Florida. He was seen as the pillar of the community. Then he opened a twitter account. His church audience loved the idea, that he will be sharing nuggets of wisdom and meeting reminders. Not until, his tweets went from less wisdom to more of what he was thinking at a moment. He began sharing posts about things he saw, food he eats, places he's at and more. It got more weird when he tweeted at 3am, and during one of his sermons. His reputation is now at stake. Because, his followers thinks, he should be reading and praying all the time and sharing what God is showing him. They now think he is addicted to twitter.

Wait a minute, should his reputation ever be at stake for sharing what he was thinking at a moment? From pt 1,we understood the proliferation of sharing and how it has interwoven itself with our daily living. Why then are these church audience holding their clergy man to his reputation?
Do they not know he is human and would be involved in life activities?
This is where I don't get people. We live in a transparent world of technology today, and unless you don't subscribe to it, your life is like an alley, everybody is watching. The Pastor, in my opinion has done nothing wrong to affect his reputation, he only needs to have different accounts, one for religious postings and the other for personal reflection.

Note sharing is the key. Your participation in this social media driven age is dependent on the content you share. If you are afraid to share, or think someone shouldn't share as much as they do, then you re not ready yet.
The future I see is a future with integration of features that provides limitless sharing. A possible Facebook phone is not a suprise, as this will go to enhance and give seamless sharing. 

It's the future pt 1

I'm sure if not at all,we've signed on to two or more social network. We've met new friends, reconnected with old pals and most of all shared a moment or feeling with your friends on social media at the speed of thought. that's the potential of the new media age, where sharing is the key.

Even the founders of these networks never dreamt of the rippling effect of their creation. They were probably having fun seeing codes they string together,being of real effect to themselves and others around.
Now it's so amazing how it has engulfed the world. Marketing experts, Business moguls and now even Oil enginers, now come on one network or the other to promote and share what they have.

Yea, it's at the speed of thought, just as it shouldn't amaze you to know that I wrote this blog at a bus stop waiting for a taxi.

We are aware of the individual journalism that this new media has brought about through the power of sharing. It has virtually put into the hands of everyone that choose to subscribe, the ability to -on a click away- share with their world, what is passing through their minds, environment, and live events.

I'm not hyping, I'm trying to draw you to see how this sharing thing is making the world become so ubiquitous at a much more faster rate.

With sharing becoming easier by new technology influx, it has permeated our privacy, such that everything you do with your phone can be automatically shared with your friends. The feeling that goes with you sharing moments with friends, or get an advice, or complain about a situation, makes it addictive to share. -tweeters can tell-

Friday, April 5, 2013

Refreshing Me

I'm suppose to be hanging in with the Holyspirit this evening, usually,it's my time of worship.  Instead, i'm here hanging out with myself.
After returning from a 12hrs shift work, I was so exhausted, and all I could do was to bulge up a plate of wakye and off I snore.(not that I snore).
Woke from by a call from my sis, needed to get to the central district to get something for her.
Only to get back more exhausted and famished.
I had this light soup in the fridge,  and thought of heating it up and getting it down my throat.
But then, I realize I needed some kind of refreshing, down wash through me, my mind and body. I needed a time off the regular and have a time out there. I quickly negotiated with the holyspirit and dashed off to have some 'me' time.

Me time was with fried chips with grilled chicken and a milk drink,i just needed to calm down.
The milk drink is so calming....and the softness of the chicken is so succulent in the mouth.
At times like this I really want to share..but there's no one to call on.....
Anyway my mind is cool, my tommy is filled,my body is relaxing.
I try as much to connect back to the Holyspirit as soon as I get home....hmmmm...just felt a back ache...I need to just lie down.
It's not meant to be fun filled, just mind relaxing..eemm still finding a friend to share moments with...door open...heart receptive....alright winding down to go home.